
    The Apeiron will host a PVP event

    PvP event will commence on December 29th at 12:00 UTC.

    All players who meet the requirements to participate in the test will have the opportunity to compete for a position in the leaderboard and corresponding rewards.

    More detailed information about the rewards will be available later, but currently, we know that the rewards include mBH, FE, and Booty Hours.

    For those who haven’t gained access to the test yet, NFT planet owners and holders of the @Godling role in the Apeiron Discord can apply for it.

    To participate in the event, you need to fulfill the following conditions:

    1. Fill out the PvP test participant form if you are not already one but meet the criteria.
    2. If you already have the PvP tester role, you can apply for the event here.
    3. Provide a screenshot confirming your rank in the event-chat channel on the Apeiron Discord before December 29th at 18:00 UTC.

    For every 12 stars in the ranking, participants will receive an additional ticket for the giveaway.

    Throughout the event, periodic USDT giveaways will be conducted for viewers, so it’s worth keeping an eye on what’s happening.