
    BLOCKLORDS and their straightforward giveaway

    BLOCKLORDS and their Throne Stairs for Discord activity

    BLOCKLORDS have announced a new giveaway with very pleasant prizes, all you need to do is chat in Discord, and to be more precise, to receive levels you will need to:

    • Just chat in the chat: Participate in conversations, share your thoughts, and participate in public events.
    • Earn XP: Every minute while you exchange messages only in the channel 🤝│village-chat.
    • Level up: As you accumulate experience points, you will level up, climbing the steps of the Throne Stairs, unlocking roles.
    • Throne Check Opportunity: Check your current level in the 👑│royalty-checker channel, using the /rank command.

    By earning levels, you move up the ladder, which is also determined by level ranks:

    • Blacksmith: Level 5 – x25 Small Resource Sets
    • Merchant: Level 10 – x20 Extended Resource Sets
    • Bandit: Level 15 – x25 Basic Farmers
    • Knight: Level 20 – x20 Basic Militia
    • Baron: Level 25 – x4 Hereditary Farmers
    • King: Level 30 – x1 Unique Hero

    PRIZES: Each level requirement for prizes will be drawn among their respective roles.

    In addition to the above rewards, there is a reward for top activity in the form of tokens:

    There will be rewards for the top 3, and the distribution of rewards will be as follows:
    1.) 100 $LRDS
    2.) 50 $LRDS
    3.) 25 $LRDS

    The top 3 in the ranking will receive the amounts of LRDS mentioned above from first to third place.

    Event end date: April 12, 2024

    Track the leaderboard here.