Seraph key giveaway. Hurry up to loot your beta pass.
The giveaway will take place in the official Synergy Discord channel.
To participate in the giveaway, you will need to complete fairly simple quests in the Giveaway Section on Zealy: link. And don’t worry about the Guild Member role, it’s not crucial for the giveaway. It doubles your chances of winning, but even with lower odds, people have won in our Discord before.

To obtain the Guild Member role, you’ll need to win our tournament or a tournament tagged with Synergy, or participate in three of our consecutive tournaments. The role also comes with other benefits, so staying in our guild’s Discord is definitely a big plus 🙂
More opportunities and giveaways are coming, so stay on the server and keep an eye out for updates. New tournaments from the Synergy guild are coming soon.
The current key giveaway in the Synergy guild’s Discord will continue until 21:00 UTC. Good luck in the giveaway!