Another grind week in Illuvium has ended.
Yet another grind week in Illuvium has come to a close, and with it comes a patch that is expected to shake up the meta from the worn-out verdants to something new.

After reviewing the patch notes, it can be concluded that the horns and empaths, which caused trouble in the previous patch, have been buffed. Along with buffs to ramfires and infernos, the latter of which now deals pure damage instead of energy damage, the horns may make a comeback in the meta with the pleasant buffs of magma.
On the first day of the patch, it’s evident that people are experimenting and horns with subsequent swaps to revenants are already emerging. It’s clear that they have the opportunity to fight against the same inferno horns that Viper has assembled.
Good luck in the upcoming week, and may you claim top ranks!
You can find details about the patch here