What is Everdawn: Champions?
Everdawn: Champions is a turn-based card game on the BASE blockchain, where players build decks of cards and engage in PvP battles.

Game Mechanics:
- Each deck will contain a total of 25 cards, including 1 Commander Warrior and 24 regular cards (units, spells). These cards are categorized by different levels of rarity.
- Battles are 1v1, with the objective to destroy your opponent’s golem while protecting your own. The golem can be moved around the map. There will also be 2 control points on the map that can be captured.
- Each Commander Warrior will have a special ability. If your commander is defeated, their card returns to your hand, allowing you to redeploy them.
- Each card has a specific mana cost, and some cards will feature various keywords that define what the card does under certain conditions.
- Some keywords include: Tombstone, Vengeance, and Warcry. Tombstone triggers when a unit dies, Vengeance activates if a unit survives an attack, and Warcry occurs when you interact with a unit.
Within the game, you will be able to purchase items using $NXI tokens. Which can be earned through gameplay or by participating in various activities, such as rewards programs or creating user-generated content.
The project is backed by investors like Animoca Brands, GameFi Ventures, Avocado Guild, and Maven Capital. Who helped raise $2 million for development.