
    Outcome of Soul Series sales in Seraph

    Success of launching the new Seraph collection

    And so, all 3 phases of the Soul Series sales have ended, and here’s what we have in the end:

    During the Synthesis phase:

    696 SPPs were burned, creating 348 very rare PFPs and obtaining 348 spots on the WL. The remaining 152 very rare PFPs, unsynthesized, were returned to the so-called “treasury”.

    WL minting phase:

    4017 NFTs were minted, with 54 excess covered by the official reserve.

    Phase through public sale lottery:

    There were 537 NFTs in the lottery pool, 63,824 tickets were purchased, and 19,147.2 ETH was staked to participate in the lottery.

    Current official assets after all phases:

    152 very rare PFPs and 946 PFPs. 93 available SPPs were burned.

    And now, the price for the Soul Series starts at:

    So, the sale of the Soul Series for the development team has ended with incredible success, which we can congratulate them on!

    It’s a good sign that the next Seraph test is definitely worth it.