Axie Infinity Homeland The Cooking Showdown, an upcoming event for land-based game mode.
Get ready for a 2-week Cooking Showdown Event in Axie Infinity:Homeland! From May 22nd (6pm PH time / 6am EST) to June 5th (3pm PH time / 3am EST), craft selected dishes, earn Fortune Troves, and climb the leaderboard to win a share of ~20,000 $AXS. Prize pool is set to be distributed to the top 5000 players. Fortune Troves will be rewarded in order to be able to receive Ancient Coins that you can then redeem for AXS. According to the announcement the Ancient Coins from Fortune Troves do not affect your daily cap during the event.

You can always check your progress in real time on the Cooking Showdown Leaderboard in the Event Hub. The timer resets every day at 5PM (GMT+7). Unused time doesn’t roll over, so use it or it will be lost.
Land Type Advantages and New Features
To improve the crafting experience, the developers will be adding a new auto-select rarity material feature along with this event. Now you simply pick the item you want to craft and let the system choose the required materials and pre-select them for you instead of doing it manually.

Your land selection is crucial in maximizing your rewards. Each land type comes with different max rewards. For instance, cooking on Genesis plots will reward players with 5,000 Ancient Coins for every Fortune Trove earned, while Savannah plots will give 150 Ancient Coins per Fortune Trove. The rarer the plot, the bigger the bounty!
Таблица зависимости наград от редкости участка:
- Genesis Plot: 1.5M mAXS, redeemable for 1.5K AXS
- Mystic Plot: 300K mAXS, redeemable for 300 AXS
- Arctic Plot: 150K mAXS, redeemable for 150 AXS
- Forest Plot: 75K mAXS, redeemable for 75 AXS
- Savannah Plot: 45K mAXS, redeemable for 45 AXS